Japan medical institution search for foreign visitors


Although we are not collecting any private information of page viewers right now,
We declare our privacy policy for the future below.

    We will collect personal information within the necessary and appropriate range after clearly indicating the purpose, content, and inquiry response method.

    If it becomes necessary to manage your personal information, we will take preventive measures against all risks such as falsification, leakage, and unauthorized access of personal information.

    We may send you information about our services by e-mail, but if you request to stop submitting, we will not email you after that.

    We will not provide or disclose personal information to a third party without obtaining the consent of the individual.

    You can change, add, or delete registered personal information at any time if you want to.

    We will comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the personal information we hold and manage, and will review, maintain, and improve our efforts in each of the above items as appropriate.